The Association Agreement creates a practical framework for achieving EU-Georgia political association and economic integration
The Association Agreement incorporates political elements, reforms to strengthen democratic institutions, cooperation on foreign and security policy, amongst others
— All axes will have significant positive impacts in strengthening Georgia’s economy, institutions and external perception
— The agreement with the EU will also help to reduce the perception of geopolitical risk, as cooperation on a security level is also a priority
— Russia has not sent the same negative signals after Georgia signed EU cooperation agreement, contrary to what it did for Ukraine and Moldova
— The recent lift of the Russian ban is symbolic of a new trend of commercial relations between Georgia and Russia
The Association Agenda also includes economic and trade elements, including a dedicated DCFTA chapter and cooperation in a number of sectors such as energy, transport, employment and social policy
The signing of the Agenda will allow for EU financial support, technical expertise and advice, information sharing, and capacity building, all of which will support Georgia in its economic development.
The signing of the Association Agreement with the EU on June 27th sends a very positive message to the markets, and helps to promote exports to the area from 2014-2015 onwards